The Rock'n Star Ranch
Clinics & Workshops
Dedicated to educating horse owners, the Rock'n Star Ranch (in Pritchard/Kamloops BC) hosts a number of educational events each year between May and Nov. The clinicians we host have been hand picked to ensure that the opportunities we offer are creating a consistent experience for those who attend.
Edu- Vacations are limited to 4-6 riders (except by special request) to ensure maximum individualized attention and there will be a limit of 10-12 riders in all workshops in order to maintain an optimal learning experience for each horse/human partnership.
Dates will be added as they are booked. To find out more our clinics and training, visit our Clinics and Training page!
To register, please contact us! rocknstarranch@hotmail.com

Workshops & Edu-Vacations in 2025! Whats an Edu-Vacation? I'm glad you asked! Click here to find out more!
~ May 1st – Training Season Opens!
~ May 2,3,4 - Intro to Stockmanship w/ Christa Miremdi in Pemberton BC
An introduction to working with livestock from horseback. Learn to read the cattle, influence their movement and develop the partnership, confidence and communication between you and your horse using ranch style stockmanship methods. Slow and thoughtful stockmanship designed to show respect to the horses, the cattle and the ranch that owns them.
​~ May 9, 10,11th – Edu-Vacation # 1 – (Special Mother’s Day Weekend!)
What does every horse loving mom want for Mother’s Day? Why, a weekend away with their horse and their best friends of course! Take advantage of this special Mother’s Day weekend Edu-Vacation. (Prices are dependent on schedule customization. Please contact us for details.)
~ May 24, 25th – Foundation Development w/ Pinto Miremadi - $575.00 (+ tax)
Every horse needs to understand a basic “language” that will help set them up for a lifetime of learning and provide you with a method of communication that will help keep you both safe as you develop together. This is called their “foundation”. Come learn the ingredients that make up that foundation and how they will improve your relationship, setting you both up for a bright future together.
May 30th - Balance & Signal - Californio Bridlehorse Presentation - $25 (Free for participants of Balance & Signal workshops)
Join us for a 2 hour demonstration on the history of Californio Bridlehorse, it's presence in BC and an introduction the function, the construction and use of the beautiful working art we call gear. This presentation is part of the Balance & Signal workshop but open to auditors.
+ May 31/June 1st - Balance & Signal w/ Christa Miremadi - $575.00 (+ tax)
Develop a deeper connection w/ your horse and a better understanding of balance, signal, timing and feel and how it's applied with the hackamore/bridle. Learn how to use these concepts to improve your relationship, communication and confidence with your horse. Gain a deeper understanding of these incredible pieces of working art through learning about their history, construction and use.
~ June 1st – (Day 2) Balance & Signal w/ Christa Miremadi - $575.00 (+ tax)
* See above for details *
​​~ June 14th/15th – Respect the Beef (Intro to Ranch Style Stockmanship) - $575.00 (+ tax)
An introduction to working with livestock from horseback. Learn to read the cattle, influence their movement and develop the partnership, confidence and communication between you and your horse using ranch style stockmanship methods. Slow and thoughtful stockmanship designed to show respect to the cattle as well as the ranch that owns them.
~ June 21st/22rd – Horsemanship & Roping w/ Christa Miremadi & The Birds - $450.00 (+ tax)
June 22nd – Horsemanship support and roping preparation for you and your horse with Christa Miremadi.
June 23rd – Roping fundamentals with Craig & Judy Bird
~ June 27/28/29 - Edu-Vacation # 2 - Intro to Stockmanship - Private learning immersion for 2-6 people. (Prices are dependent on schedule customization. Please contact us for details.) BOOKED!
~ July 4th - Balance & Signal - Californio Bridlehorse Presentation - $25 (Free for participants of Balance & Signal workshops)
Join us for a 2 hour demonstration on the history of Californio Bridlehorse, it's presence in BC and an introduction the function, the construction and use of the beautiful working art we call gear. This presentation is part of the Balance & Signal workshop but open to auditors.
+ July 5th/6th – Balance & Signal w/ Christa Miremadi - $575.00 (+ tax)
Develop a deeper connection w/ your horse and a better understanding of balance, signal, timing and feel and how it's applied with the hackamore/bridle. Learn how to use these concepts to improve your relationship, communication and confidence with your horse. Gain a deeper understanding of these incredible pieces of working art through learning about their history, construction and use.
~ July 12th/13st – Beyond the Gates w/ Christa Miremadi - $575.00 (+ tax)
Test your skills and take your horsemanship to the next level by riding beyond the gate and taking things outside the arena! This workshop will be a review and development of horsemanship skills, knowledge and tools needed as well as an opportunity to experience riding in the back country around the Rock'n Star Ranch for those who are ready to do so.
​~ July 18/19/20 - Edu-Vacation # 3 - Private learning immersion for 2-6 people.
(Prices are dependent on schedule customization. Please contact us for details.)
~ Aug 16/17th – Horsemanship Retreat w/Christa Miremadi - $575.00 (+ tax)
Relax, refresh and revive your connection and bond with your horse through organized play, immersive horsemanship support and good times in a beautiful setting. This is a "choose your own adventure" type of workshop designed to combine relaxation with learning.
~ Aug 22/23/24 - Edu Vacation # 4 - Private learning immersion for 2-6 people.
(Prices are dependent on schedule customization. Please contact us for details.)
~ Sept 13/14/15 - Edu- Vacation # 5 - Private learning immersion for 2-6 people. (Prices are dependent on schedule customization. Please contact us for details.)

Photo by: Susan Dahlstedt
Christa Miremadi
Christa Has been working with and riding horses of all kinds for over 30 years. Her experience and skill provides those who ride with her a window into understanding their equine partner better and the guidance and support to develop a stronger, safer and more productive relationship together. For more information about Christa, visit our Horsemanship page!
A. Pinto Miremadi
Pinto has been working with, caring for and riding horses of all kinds for over 20 years but his focus has been on starting youngsters, developing a solid foundation and troubleshooting challenges. Through his experience, he has developed keen timing and a unique, precise understanding of feel that has both kept him safe and helped him to understand the horses he works with better. He is both sensitive to their needs as well as able to push them again in their learning, developing their confidence and skill while still preserving their spirit and their interest in partnering with the human.
For more information about Pinto, visit our Horsemanship page!

Photo by: Coralie Nairn
Workshops held at the Rock'n Star Ranch provide participants with an inspiring setting, knowledgeable, experienced support, level appropriate challenges, real life, skill building opportunities and act as a catalyst to developing much more reliable, meaningful relationships between horse and rider. Quite often, our partisipants also find themselves forming long lasting new friendships with their fellow students.