The Rock'n Star Ranch
Presented by Miles Kingdon, Pinto and Christa Miremadi &The Rock'n Star Ranch...

New dates to be posted soon!
Event Description, Schedule & Rules... For more details, check out the website!
Event Description
I am so excited to finally be sharing this with you! Over the past year or so, Miles and I (and many of you) have been tossing around the idea of putting together our own, Canadian version of the Early Californio Skills of the Rancho, an event that celibates the training and traditions of the old Californio Bridle Horse.
This Skills of the Outfits is an event that will provide an opportunity to showcase what has been developed in ourselves and our horses, hear some constructive honest feedback from Miles, learn through watching each other and spend some time together, enjoying each other’s company. We are inviting YOU to come and watch for free!
This year, as a way to get things started, we want to present this showcase, to provide those who attends as spectators with a chance to learn what it’s all about in the hopes of creating an interest that will lead to a friendly open competition in the years to come!
The Schedule
Saturday Sept 11
10:00 am – Ranch Horse Pattern Demo.
Riders will perform a designated Ranch Horse Pattern individually. I’ll provide details about the pattern and scoring to those who are participating.
12:00 – Lunch Break (Bring your own lunch, drinks and chairs!)
1:00 pm - Working Bridled Stockhorse: Stockwork and Roping Demo.
With the help of a chosen crew, riders will sort out a pre-determined cow, and perform a designated task as outlined by our judge, Miles Kingdon.
5:00 – Fire-less Campfire feedback with Miles.
The demo riders will gather up and Miles will run through each of the scores one at a time. He will provide a run-down of how his scoring went, why each rider either got or didn’t get the score they got and give feedback around how they could have done things differently. There will also be an opportunity for Q&A directly following.
Coming Soon!!
** COVID Disclaimer and Auditor Info!
We will, of course, have to be in compliance with the current COVID protocol so we reserve the right to make adjustments and updates to our plan. For that reason, please bookmark this page and check back to find out what the latest policies in place will be.
If you intend to come and watch, please let me know that you're planning on coming (preferably within 30-60 days of the event) so that I will know how many people to expect. We will have to cap it for COVID probably so I will need folks to "register" with me, even though it's free!